
Commissioning is an Owner-focused process, dedicated to the improvement of the delivered project, and IBC is an enthusiastic advocate for supporting the implementation of the commissioning process across the spectrum of application.

Enthusiastic advocate for supporting the implementation of the commissioning process

We believe that commissioning can benefit every project.

Our commissioning team is comprised of Engineers, LEED Accredited Professionals, and credentialed professionals by third-party organizations such as ASHRAE and BCxA.

While guided by industry standards for commissioning guidelines, we work to tailor the process to the needs of the project to assist in resolving systemic issues prior to substantial completion, minimize warranty-related issues, and help building occupants settle into a building that is ready for them and their day to day operations.  

We are guided by four main principles


Ensuring participation of all responsible parties.


The commissioning process must be seamlessly integrated with design and construction efforts to allow positive and productive coexistence and should not inhibit the work or schedule of others.


Mapping the path of the process and intent of activities with the goal of keeping clear communication at all times.

Document Success

As a summation and record of our principals, an improved delivered project is a success in which everyone can share.


Two diverse business executive partners negotiating

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